An engineering approach to art

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Caught up with a great episode of @urbansketchers #USkTalks with @umapaints @sketcher_ben and @robsketcherman.

Uma and Ben made excellent points about learning the ability to deconstruct a large problem into its variables. Uma also spoke about the elegance of a mathematical solution in her professional life as an engineer. Very interesting to her how she picks up lessons from both fields and uses them to complement the other. How to draw like an engineer, and how to engineer like an artist! 🙌

In my own engineering education, I learned how to optimize solutions for "blackbox" models - any complex system you don't fully understand, and can't 'open up' to look inside.

I used those lessons to teach myself to draw, and the practice of #urbansketching played a huge role in that process. Check out this wonderful interview on the @urbansketchers IG page and IGTV. Click my drawing below for a link to the full conversation.

More thoughts on the subject soon!

Nishant Jain