Warmth and Wifi in Minneapolis Winter
Meet-up with the Urban Sketchers chapter in Minneapolis. So good to reconnect with lovely friends and artists, and check out this intriguing location in downtown Minneapolis.
I was excited to see this place, because I love all libraries and I love all the kinds of people that go to libraries. You could find all kinds here. Some came for the wifi. Job applications, movies, music, social networking. Some came for warmth out of the terrific cold. Still others came for the comfort not possible to them in every day life. They tried to catch a nap, life’s possessions gathered about them.
I found a second spot after walking up and down the stairs a bit. I wanted to really LOOK. There were huge atlases in the reference section, with old city maps of the area. Biographies of local musicians caught my eye. I didn’t go into the aisles though. I knew that if I did, I’d be lost for the remainder of the meet-up, and never get any SneakyArt done.
“Libraries are amazing places!”
It was great to catch up with other sketchers, and to meet some new people. There are always new people coming to the meet-ups, and that’s so heartening. Even in the cold days of winter, we are able to find community, to beat the weather, to get together and make some art of our world.