Sketchcrawl 001 Eau Claire WI

This summer I will try to spend large amounts of a day outdoors at a time, sketching at various locations wherever I happen to be. Here’s 001.


Stop #1 - urban sandbox

On Lake St.

I went out at noon, under a blazing sun. It wasn’t too hot yet. I got a cold coffee at Shift Cafe.

On Lake St, there are big machines digging out gravel and earth to make mountains. They play inside an urban sandbox, marked by orange flags and cones.


Stop #2

University of Wisconsin Eau Claire campus

I met up with Christian Sather during my first sketch, and afterward we walked to the UWEC campus. Under a blazing sun, I sat by a rock and drew the university buildings looking pretty for incoming students and their parents at orientation.

Stop #2 - UWEC campus

Stop #2 - UWEC campus

Stop #3 - Owen Park

Stop #3 - Owen Park

After this sketch, I knew I needed to find shade if I was going to draw anymore! Crossed the river to head into Owen Park, where the tall trees offer wonderful shade on a summer day. The leaves were rustling in a gentle wind, and there was no one else besides the occasional jogger and parks employee.

20190620 OwenParkEC003.jpg

It was late afternoon by the time I finished drawing all the lines at Owen Park.

Thursday evenings there is live music at Phoenix Park, and I always enjoy watching them set up. (Even if I don’t stick around for the music!) It is nice to see residents come in to the park and set up their picnics. The place feels very alive, and properly populated! :P

I also caught up with some other sketchers at this time, and we talked about our day and the things we liked to sketch at Phoenix Park.

Stop #4 - Man in the park, waiting for his music to begin.

Stop #4 - Man in the park, waiting for his music to begin.

It felt like a properly productive day, and I’m glad for company during parts of it!